
We found 18 courses available for you

Learn Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass

1 Lesson
15.3 hours
All Levels

The course is aimed at Software Engineers, Database Administrators, and …

What you'll learn
Learn how to use the most popular software in the Big Data industry at the moment
Using batch processing as well as real-time processing.
Give you enough background to be able to talk about real problems and solutions with experts in the industry.

Internet of Things

8 hours

The population of our planet is currently around 7.7 billion …

What you'll learn
This is a short ‘discovery & overview’ course intended to introduce you to Automation Technologies and the Internet of Things.
The course will guide you through the essential technologies that make up the Automation & IoT environment.
Underpinning the essential knowledge that you will receive during the training are a number of course activities that you will participate in.
These include:
Computer science & Data Analytics
Microcontrollers, Smart Sensors, and Actuators
Electrical/Electronics and Communication technologies
Computers & programming,
Real-world projects with Raspberry Pi & Arduino
Cloud computing & Artificial Intelligence
As part of this training course you have the option to purchase A&IoT training kits and enroll in our Foundation and/or Focussed training programs where you spend more ‘Practical’ and hands-on time developing your skills in the topics above.