Learn Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass
The course is aimed at Software Engineers, Database Administrators, and …
What you'll learn
Learn how to use the most popular software in the Big Data industry at the moment
Using batch processing as well as real-time processing.
Give you enough background to be able to talk about real problems and solutions with experts in the industry.
Internet of Things
The population of our planet is currently around 7.7 billion …
What you'll learn
This is a short ‘discovery & overview’ course intended to introduce you to Automation Technologies and the Internet of Things.
The course will guide you through the essential technologies that make up the Automation & IoT environment.
Underpinning the essential knowledge that you will receive during the training are a number of course activities that you will participate in.
These include:
Computer science & Data Analytics
Microcontrollers, Smart Sensors, and Actuators
Electrical/Electronics and Communication technologies
Computers & programming,
Real-world projects with Raspberry Pi & Arduino
Cloud computing & Artificial Intelligence
As part of this training course you have the option to purchase A&IoT training kits and enroll in our Foundation and/or Focussed training programs where you spend more ‘Practical’ and hands-on time developing your skills in the topics above.