
We found 5 courses available for you

Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Explained

5 Lessons
9.9 hours

Electronics has become important to many fields; communications, automotive, security, …

What you'll learn
Your understanding will be complete
Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
Ready to go on to further
More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.

Excel Crash Course: Master Excel for Financial Analysis

4 Lessons
31.3 hours

Financial Planning & Analysis: Building a Company’s Budget from Scratch …

What you'll learn
Learn how to analyze the financial statements using different metrics
Dissect a company's health and profitability.

Learn Python Programming Masterclass

1 Lesson
21.5 hours

Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET …

What you'll learn
Strong foundation on the basics of C# programming language and coding constructs.
More confident to learn advanced C# programming concepts.
Be ready to begin your career as a C# .NET programmer

Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games

5 Lessons
15.5 hours

This course is authorized by and made in partnership with …

What you'll learn
Test your knowledge with concepts you've just learned.
Build two commercial quality games: a 2D Galaxy Shooter Game and cinematic effects, and a 3D
Get access to the unique artwork

Internet of Things

8 hours

The population of our planet is currently around 7.7 billion …

What you'll learn
This is a short ‘discovery & overview’ course intended to introduce you to Automation Technologies and the Internet of Things.
The course will guide you through the essential technologies that make up the Automation & IoT environment.
Underpinning the essential knowledge that you will receive during the training are a number of course activities that you will participate in.
These include:
Computer science & Data Analytics
Microcontrollers, Smart Sensors, and Actuators
Electrical/Electronics and Communication technologies
Computers & programming,
Real-world projects with Raspberry Pi & Arduino
Cloud computing & Artificial Intelligence
As part of this training course you have the option to purchase A&IoT training kits and enroll in our Foundation and/or Focussed training programs where you spend more ‘Practical’ and hands-on time developing your skills in the topics above.